Former Walmart Greeter Admits To Letting Moms Do This One Illegal Thing
It's strange to hear, but this former Walmart greeter admits to letting Moms pull off this illegal activity.
Now, the internet is fighting over whether or not it's the right thing to do or not!
Recession Times
We all keep hearing it: thanks to global health crises and supply shortages the world will start feeling a ripple effect and enter a recession.

Prices seem to be going up everywhere, and many people cannot afford the same things they could just a few years ago.
Welcome to Walmart
Walmart is best known for rolling back its prices and selling products at rates that are more affordable for everyone.

The superstore is convenient for most people and carries just about every product at affordable or at least competitive rates.
Is Walmart Still Affordable?
But is Walmart still considered affordable these days? With the pandemic, inflation, and recession, is Walmart still affordable for those who struggle to live paycheck to paycheck?

Or has Walmart gone the way of other big box stores and become too pricey?
A Viral Tik Tok Video
This story begins with Comm_lion's Tik Tok video; in which she says, "People steal baby food and other essentials because they're in need."

She continues, "This is a societal failure, not an individual one, if you see anyone stealing, no you didn't."
Meet Brandon! The Latest Viral Tik-Toker
Brandon is a former Walmart greeter who recently made a Tik-Tok exposing a truth about his former role.

He admitted that when he would check a receipt and notice that baby food or supplies weren't on there, but that the customer had hose products in their bags, he would let the customer go, even if he would get in trouble.
You Read That Right
Yes, we all read that right— Brandon would allow moms to shoplift.

He had good reasons, though. For one, baby food and supplies are an expensive necessity. And two, it wasn't his job, it was AP's job.
Asset Protection
Asset Protection, or AP, is the security system at Walmart and it's their job to ensure items don't get stolen.

AP would tell Brandon, "she's stealing; check her receipt." And Brandon would check the receipt and say, "You're good, have a great day!" Of course, this didn't fly with AP.
Brandon's Other Reason
One of Brandon's other reasons for letting moms shoplift was because he was only making $11.50 an hour.

He reasoned that there was no additional incentive for him to stop a parent in need from shoplifting.
A Wider Issue At Hand
It's no secret that people across America are being paid less than minimum wage and expected to work tirelessly.

All the while, their Billion dollar company made millions in profits. Which raises the question, why would employees have loyalty to a company that doesn't pay them enough?
Many Support Brandon's Actions
Many in the TikTok community saw Brandon's video and supported him.

Comments rolled in as people commended Brandon for his behavior seeing it as a service to low-income families. One person added "Not all heroes wear capes."
And The Praise Kept Coming
Brandon continued to receive praise online. People were acknowledging how his actions may have changed people's lives.

He was called "a genuinely amazing person" for understanding that "the struggle is real" for many moms.
Taking Shots at Walmart
Meanwhile, others saw the opportunity to take shots at Walmart to make them accountable.

It's clear that for a lot of people, it's hard to feel bad for a multi-billion dollar corporation.
The Nay-Sayers
But of course, there were people who condemned Brandon's behavior. Not everyone could get behind the idea of breaking the law— even when it's for someone in need.

One person pointed out that it could make prices even higher in the long run.
Stealing Is Bad
We all can agree that stealing is terrible, especially when something of ours is stolen. But is there really a grey area in stories like Brandon's?

While some commenters firmly believe "if you saw someone stealing, no you didn't," other commenters stand by their belief that stealing is wrong.
The Eventual Consequences
Some of these commenters do have a point though, if people continue stealing isn't it most likely that companies will raise the prices to compensate for their loss in revenue?

Companies like Walmart rely on loss prevention teams to combat annual theft rates.
There is WIC
One user suggested there was a solution that didn't involve stealing.

WIC, or The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, is a Federal Assistance program to aid low-income women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and children under the age of five.
Is WIC Helpful?
One mother took the time to explain that WIC doesn't cover all of her financial needs.

It's evident that while WIC is helpful, it's not enough to afford the cost of living.
And Don't Worry, Brandon Didn't Get Fired.
Curious commenters suspected that Brandon likely got fired for his risky behavior.

But Brandon reassured one commenter by explaining that he wasn't fired and he doesn't hold any negative feelings about his time at the store.
Brandon's Studies
In a follow-up video, Brandon tells viewers about his studies in Welfare Programs in Conservative states.

He explained that depending on the State, City, County, and Town jurisdiction, it's hard for families to access government assistance programs in a Republican State.
What About Food Stamps?
Brandon goes on to say that if you are accepted onto the government assistance program in a Conservative State, they will only send $50-$100 a month worth of food stamps.

He says that is not enough to cover formula and baby supplies.
The Grey Truth Of The Story
The reality is for a lot of people, things are rough all the time, and somewhere along the way society has let them down.

Things aren't always right or wrong, a human life is worth more than a stolen good, so if someone is desperate enough to steal baby food; there might be a good reason.